Light Up South Glengarry​
New for 2024, we want your help to Light Up South Glengarry!
Decorate your home, business, or outdoor tree and register to be added to our Holiday Light Tour Map!
Click here for more info & to register!

Lancaster ODR
Our volunteers lead the ice maintenance at the outdoor rink in Smithfield Park, Lancaster.
Contact us if you're able to help us out!

Family Day Fun
We welcome families in our community to join us at Smithfield Park in Lancaster on Family Day for fun family games and activities!
Watch our facebook page for updates!

Optimist Day
We join Optimists around the world in celebrating Optimist Day on the first Thursday of February each year to promote our efforts in bringing out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.
Watch our facebook page for a fun activity you can join in on!

Easter Egg Hunt
We invite children 12 & under to hunt the fields of Smithfield Park for Easter eggs and other goodies. You might even catch a glimpse of our hoppy little friend while you're there!
Watch our facebook page for details!

Bike Rodeo
In partnership with our local OPP and Fire Dept., we bring bicycle safety to children in grades 4-6 in South Glengarry.
From proper bicycle sizing and safety equipment use to hand signals and rules of the road, we're giving our kids what they need to ride into summer the safe way!

Canada Day
We host the annual Canada Day celebrations for South Glengarry at Smithfield Park in Lancaster.
With entertainment and activities for all, there's sure to be something for everyone in your family. We hope to see you there!

Hallowe'en Drive-Thru
We thank the RRCA for partnering with us to make our 4th annual haunted drive-thru a huge success again this year!
Follow us on facebook or check back here in the fall for updates on the next one!